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SUNECONRust prevention agent

The SUNECON rust prevention agents can be used for various purposes, including short to long-term rust prevention. Water-repellent, anti-volatile corrosion and water-soluble options are also available.

Rust prevention agent
Product name Properties Usages and Main Applications Features How to use Related laws and regulations
Solution temperature Concentration Usage Poisonous/
Deleterious substances
Fire Services Act Industrial Safety and Health Act PRTR
NR-JW Weak alkaline

Neutralization and temporal rust prevention of steel after rust removal

Temporal rust prevetion during the manufacturing process

Temporal rust prevention during the processing

used in solution

Applicable to wet product

room temperature Dilute 10~3% in water Immersion, spray Applicable
X-813A undefined (**)

Thin layered strong water resistant anti rust agent

Long term rust prevention of bearing, gear, machinary, etc when shipping


Water displacement type

room temperature undiluted Immersion, spray second petroleum Applicable
X-815 undefined (**)

Thin layered strong water resistant anti rust agent

Short term rust prevention of precisely polished products, machinary, etc


Water displacement type

room temperature undiluted Immersion, spray second petroleum Applicable
Ⅱ-MD undefined (**) multi-purpose rust prevention agent


Water displacement type

room temperature undiluted Spray, brush second petroleum Applicable
CPC product(** undefined:too dry to measure pH)
Product name NR-JW
Properties Weak alkaline
Usages and Main Applications

Neutralization and temporal rust prevention of steel after rust removal

Temporal rust prevetion during the manufacturing process

Temporal rust prevention during the processing


used in solution

Applicable to wet product

How to use Solution temperature room temperature
Concentration Dilute 10~3% in water
Usage Immersion, spray
Related laws and regulations Poisonous/Deleterious substances
Fire services act
Industrial Safety and Health Act Applicable
Product name X-813A
Properties undefined (**)
Usages and Main Applications

Thin layered strong water resistant anti rust agent

Long term rust prevention of bearing, gear, machinary, etc when shipping

Features Water-insoluble
Water displacement type
How to use Solution temperature room temperature
Concentration undiluted
Usage Immersion, spray
Related laws and regulations Poisonous/Deleterious substances
Fire services act second petroleum
Industrial Safety and Health Act Applicable
Product name X-815
Properties undefined (**)
Usages and Main Applications

Thin layered strong water resistant anti rust agent

Short term rust prevention of precisely polished products, machinary, etc

Features Water-insoluble
Water displacement type
How to use Solution temperature room temperature
Concentration undiluted
Usage Immersion, spray
Related laws and regulations Poisonous/Deleterious substances
Fire services act second petroleum
Industrial Safety and Health Act Applicable
Product name Ⅱ-MD
Properties undefined (**)
Usages and Main Applications

multi-purpose rust prevention agent

Features Water-insoluble
Water displacement type
How to use Solution temperature room temperature
Concentration undiluted
Usage Spray, brush
Related laws and regulations Poisonous/Deleterious substances
Fire services act second petroleum
Industrial Safety and Health Act Applicable
CPC product(** undefined:too dry to measure pH)

Its not too much to say that our life is build upon steel materials. However, steel possess a major disadvantage commonly known as "rust". Our fight against "rust" is a fate in our metal-age lives.

"Rust" is called as "Fire without a flame" which proceeds constantly, bringing fatal damage, such as decrease of strength and spoil of appearance.

Ingredients and types of mold cleaning agents