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SUNECONstripping agent

Please select best suited SUNECON Coating Remover series based on methods, coating materials.
The SUNECON coating remover series is based on over 40 years of experience and expertise.
Choose exactly the right remover, down to type of jig or object, type of coating and coating method.

stripping agent
Product name Properties Usages and Main Applications Features How to use Related laws and regulations
Solution temperature Concentration Usage Poisonous/
Fire services act Industrial Safety and Health Act PRTR
R-4052C neutral

Peeling of urethane,epoxy, etc coating

Peel cleaning of adhesive and ink

Mild type

Appicable to non-iron metal

Room temperature~80℃ undiluted Applicable
R-4052E Weak alkaline

Peeling of urethane,epoxy, etc coating

Peel cleaning of adhesive and ink

Peel cleaning of resin stuck to the mold

Generic model

Appicable to non-iron metal

Room temperature~80℃ undiluted Immersion Applicable
R-4055D Alkaline

Peeling of urethane,epoxy, etc coating

Peel cleaning of adhesive and ink

Peel cleaning of resin stuck to the mold

Strong peeling type

Applicable to iron,SUS material

Room temperature~80℃ undiluted Immersion Applicable Applicable
R-4230 Alkaline

Peeling of coating, adhesive, ink etc

Useful to alkali burnable materials

(eX:Titanium alloy frame)

powerful type

Iron, SUS, mmagnesium

Adapt to material

Room temperature~80℃ undiluted Immersion Deleterious Applicable Applicable
R-4250T Alkaline

Peeling of coating, adhesive, ink etc

(Coating for wall, vertical surface)

Sticky type

Applicable to iron,SUS material

room temperature undiluted brushing Deleterious Applicable Applicable
R-4260 Strong alkaline

Peeling of urethane,epoxy, etc coating

(ex:cleaning of electrocoating jig)

powerful type

Iron, SUS, mmagnesium

Adapt to material

Room temperature~80℃ undiluted Immersion Cleansing Deleterious Applicable Applicable
R-4270 Strong alkaline

Peeling of urethane,epoxy, etc coating

Do not conflict poisonous/Deleterious control act

Applicable to Iron, SUS material

Adapt to material

Room temperature~80℃ undiluted Immersion Applicable Applicable
R-4520 acid

Peeling of cation electro coating on plating

Powder epoxy/polyester type coating

(ex:Aluminum PC housing)

Applicable to aluminum, SUS material

Room temperature~80℃ undiluted Immersion Cleansing Deleterious Applicable
Product name R-4052C
Properties neutral
Usages and Main Applications

Peeling of urethane,epoxy, etc coating

Peel cleaning of adhesive and ink


Mild type

Appicable to non-iron metal

How to use Solution temperature Room temperature~80℃
Concentration undiluted
Usage Immersion
Related laws and regulations Poisonous/Deleterious substances
Fire services act
Industrial Safety and Health Act Applicable
Product name R-4052E
Properties Weak alkaline
Usages and Main Applications

Peeling of urethane,epoxy, etc coating

Peel cleaning of adhesive and ink

Peel cleaning of resin stuck to the mold


Generic model

Appicable to non-iron metal

How to use Solution temperature Room temperature~80℃
Concentration undiluted
Usage Immersion
Related laws and regulations Poisonous/Deleterious substances
Fire services act
Industrial Safety and Health Act Applicable
Product name R-4055D
Properties Alkaline
Usages and Main Applications

Peeling of urethane,epoxy, etc coating

Peel cleaning of adhesive and ink

Peel cleaning of resin stuck to the mold


Strong peeling type

Applicable to iron,SUS material

How to use Solution temperature Room temperature~80℃
Concentration undiluted
Usage Immersion
Related laws and regulations Poisonous/Deleterious substances
Fire services act
Industrial Safety and Health Act Applicable
PRTR Applicable
Product name R-4230
Properties Alkaline
Usages and Main Applications

Peeling of coating, adhesive, ink etc

Useful to alkali burnable materials

(eX:Titanium alloy frame)


powerful type

Iron, SUS, mmagnesium

Adapt to material

How to use Solution temperature Room temperature~80℃
Concentration undiluted
Usage Immersion
Related laws and regulations Poisonous/Deleterious substances Deleterious
Fire services act
Industrial Safety and Health Act Applicable
PRTR Applicable
Product name R-4250T
Properties Alkaline
Usages and Main Applications

Peeling of coating, adhesive, ink etc

(Coating for wall, vertical surface)


Sticky type

Applicable to iron,SUS material

How to use Solution temperature room temperature
Concentration undiluted
Usage brushing
Related laws and regulations Poisonous/Deleterious substances Deleterious
Fire services act
Industrial Safety and Health Act Applicable
PRTR Applicable
Product name R-4260
Properties Strong alkaline
Usages and Main Applications

Peeling of urethane,epoxy, etc coating

(ex:cleaning of electrocoating jig)


powerful type

Iron, SUS, mmagnesium

Adapt to material

How to use Solution temperature Room temperature~80℃
Concentration undiluted
Usage Immersion
Related laws and regulations Poisonous/Deleterious substances Deleterious
Fire services act
Industrial Safety and Health Act Applicable
PRTR Applicable
Product name R-4270
Properties Strong alkaline
Usages and Main Applications

Peeling of urethane,epoxy, etc coating


Do not conflict poisonous/Deleterious control act

Applicable to Iron, SUS material

Adapt to material

How to use Solution temperature Room temperature~80℃
Concentration undiluted
Usage Immersion
Related laws and regulations Poisonous/Deleterious substances
Fire services act
Industrial Safety and Health Act Applicable
PRTR Applicable
Product name R-4520
Properties acid
Usages and Main Applications

Peeling of cation electro coating on plating

Powder epoxy/polyester type coating

(ex:Aluminum PC housing)


Applicable to aluminum, SUS material

How to use Solution temperature Room temperature~80℃
Concentration undiluted
Usage Immersion
Related laws and regulations Poisonous/Deleterious substances Deleterious
Fire services act
Industrial Safety and Health Act Applicable